The Best Way to Commute: To the City

By Madison De Silva

January, 2023

Most people can agree that being stuck in a rush hour traffic jam is one of the most frustrating ways to spend your evening. What if I told you that you could easily bypass this traffic by using public transport? Public transport is the transportation system put in place by the city/town which allows you to commute without your car. This includes buses, subways, trains and more.

Benefits of using public transport:

  • Lower cost
  • You can use your time in more productive ways
  • Reduces your greenhouse emissions
  • Reduces the mileage on your car

Many people avoid public transport as it may be confusing for first-timers. Luckily, in the upcoming months, our posts will be on the topics of purchasing a Presto card, safety tips, how to navigate and more.

Tip:Public transportation trip planning can be done easily through the the app. Give it a try!


Grab a friend who is familiar with the public transportation system. Try to navigate from your home to Union Station. You can only ask your friend yes or no questions about the directions.