Try the 10 Days Walk Challenge

By Dorothy Yeung

September, 2023

Did you know that walking for 30 mins a day or more on most days of the week can significantly improve or maintain your overall health? Walking with others can turn exercise into an enjoyable social occasion.

For just 30 minutes everyday, you can increase cardiovascular fitness, strengthen bones, reduce excess body fat and boost muscle power and endurance. The best part is walking is low impact and requires minimal equipment. Kickstart your walking habit with this 10 days walking challenge.

Day 1-3: Take a leisurely stroll around the neighbourhood after dinner or around sunset for around 15-30 mins.

Day 4-5: Gradually extend your walking distance, and you can even walk on a treadmill for 30 minutes. Your body will start to get used to it and it will become easier eventually.

Day 6-8: Mix it up by walking for 20 mins and jog for 10 mins outdoors or attempt the 8-3-30 treadmill challenge. Set the incline level to 8, maintain a speed of 3mph, and walk for 30 minutes. Walking inclines not only burn more calories but also target different muscle groups in your legs. Feel free to start with a lower incline and speed level. Don’t pressure yourself since consistency matters most.

Day 9-10: Walk for 15 mins and jog for another 15 mins outdoors. Alternatively, if you are getting used to walking incline on the treadmill, increase your incline level to 10 or 12 to challenge yourself more!

Walking is simple and great for your health. Start with small steps and develop a walking habit that will positively impact your well-being in the long run!