How to Stay Motivated With Biking

By Dorothy Yeung

May, 2023

Biking to work is something enjoyable and provides many benefits when done consistently. In order to bike consistently, you need to keep yourself motivated. Having motivation is important not only for biking consistently but to develop any skill. Practicing over a long period of time will allow you to strengthen your muscles and improve your mental health.

There are a variety of reasons why you may lose motivation. Two common reasons why we lose motivation is the fact that we do not see immediate results or that we have already reached our goals. Continue reading to learn how to overcome these challenges in order to successfully incorporate biking into your daily routine.

Motivation strategies:

  • Take progress photos: You look in the mirror every day. Therefore, as your body slowly becomes healthier you may not notice the changes. Taking progress photos helps you remember, compare and contrast where you started to where you are currently.
  • Continue to set short-term and long-term goals for yourself: Your long-term goal should seem hard to achieve and be something you are very passionate about. Your short-term goals should be more attainable, lead up and prepare you to achieve your long-term goal.
  • Create or join a community: Join a community of people who share your interest. They will help motivate you and keep you on the right track!