To kick-off Bike Month, Smart Commute Central York is hosting BIKE DAY!
This FREE drop-in community event for cyclists and non-cyclists of all-ages celebrates the joy of cycling. Learn more about biking in Newmarket, test drive a bike, and learn about small DIY repairs. Family-friendly activities, music and more!
Date: Saturday, June 1st, 2024
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (rain or shine)
Location: 470 Davis Drive, Newmarket - Central York Chamber of Commerce
(shared parking lot with Senior's Centre)
- FREE drawstring bag with reflective band (while supplies last)
- Fill out a ballot for a chance to WIN fantastic draw prizes! (bikes, gift cards and more!)
- Healthy snacks, and cycling-related giveaways
- Contest for kids - collect stickers at Bike Day discovery stations to enter!
- Cycle to the event and join the bike parade for a short ride down the trail @ 11 a.m.
Presenting Sponsor: Huffy 
Legacy Sponsor: Spoke O'Motion 
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Questions? info@sccy.ca